• Authors are required to respond to the results of existing reviewers submitted and decided by the Editor. Editor’s decision is usually the result of Reviewer recommendations. In OJS the author will accept the decisions as follows.
  • Accept Submission means that the reviewer recommends that the manuscript is acceptable without any improvement.
  • Revision required means that reviewer recommends that the manuscript needs minor improvement without having to review again.
  • Resubmit for review means that the reviewer recommends that the manuscript needs to be reviewed again by a reviewer because too many revision needed.
  • Decline Submission means the reviewer recommends that the manuscript is rejected. It is usually related to the script quality.


To respond to the review result from the reviewer/editors, the author enters the journal website using an account that was previously created. The steps are :

  • The author logs into the Journal System
  • After logging in, click the active Inscription
  • See the Peer Review section, the author will see the Review result file in the Uploaded File Section. A/B/C Reviewer and so on.
  • See the Peer Review section, the author will see the Review result file in the Uploaded File Section. A/B/C Reviewer and so on.
  • Please download the result of the review. The author can see in the Upload File Reviewer section or in the Editor Version section depending on the instruction provided by the editor.
  • When we click the symbol as in the picture above, it will display a pop-up list comment from reviewer/ editor
  • Ideally, the file of the review result from the reviewer is MS WORD file using TRACK CHANGES and Comment facilities. However, it could be a scanned image reviewer of the journalin PDF format. The author must correct accordingly note of these reviewers. For comment do not need to be able deleted for us to check whether the reviewer note has been responded to or not.
  • Download review result and read the point reviews journal;
  • After completing the repair and sending back the results, the author just wait for the next review process. In this Review Process, the Author will repeat the process as above depend on the decisions of the Editor especially when the Editor gives the decision ‘Resubmit for Review’ or ‘Revision required’. If the Editor’s decision or the status of the manuscript is in EDITING, it means that the articles has been accepted. Just waiting for the layout process and then it will be published.