Evaluasi Penerapan Balanced Scorecard sebagai Pendekatan dalam Pengukuran Kinerja

  • Dian Purwandari


Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengevaluasi balanced scorecard yang diterapkan oleh Bank XYZ; (2) menganalisis sistem pengukuran kinerja; (3) merumuskan kembali balanced scorecard sesuai dengan misi, visi, dan strategi Bank XYZ. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif komparatif, yaitu melalui studi literatur yang dilakukan dengan mempelajari literatur yang berkaitan dengan topik penelitian, serta studi lapangan yang dilakukan melalui wawancara dan observasi langsung untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai situasi dan kondisi perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi secara keseluruhan, perancangan balanced scorecard Bank XYZ belum optimal. Cakupan sasaran strategis dari perspektif proses bisnis internal, serta perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan masih terlihat sederhana dan belum mengakomodasi sasaran strategis dari perspektif pelanggan dan perspektif keuangan. Penelitian ini berusaha merumuskan kembali perancangan balanced scorecard dengan menggunakan ukuran indikator kinerja sesuai dengan teori Kaplan dan Norton. Kata Kunci : Balanced Scorecard dan Pengukuran Kinerja Evaluation of the Application of Balanced Scorecard as Performance Measurement Approach (Case Study on Bank XYZ) Abstract This research is aimed to: (1) evaluate BSC applied by Bank XYZ; (2) analyze the performance measurement system; (3) reformulate balanced scorecard in accordance with the mission, vision, and strategy of Bank XYZ. This research uses descriptive comparative method, specifically the study of literature that conducted by studying literature related to the research topic, and the field study carried out by interviews and direct observation to get an overview of the situation and condition of the company. Based on the overall results of the evaluation, the design of balanced scorecard on Bank XYZ is not optimal. The scope of the strategic objectives of the internal business process, and learning and growth perspective still look simple and yet accommodate the strategic objectives of the customer perspective, and financial perspective. This research seeks to reformulate the design of the balanced scorecard by using a measure of performance indicators in accordance with the theory of Kaplan and Norton. Keywords: balanced scorecard and performance measurement


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