Authors should only submit original work that hasn't been published or isn't currently being considered elsewhere. The editorial team will check submitted manuscripts against previously published works using Turnitin or another plagiarism detection tool. In the first step, a turnitin program will be used to check each submitted manuscript for degrees of plagiarism. 20% is the upper limit for all detected sources combined, while 2% is the upper limit for each source. If the manuscript passes Turnitin, the next step is to check with additional programs and search engines to prevent plagiarism software from being cheated.

Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Kreatif will ensure that every published article will not exceed a 20% similarity Score. Articles found with plagiarism more than 20% are automatically rejected, and authors are advised if the article has a similarity below or equal to 20%. Plagiarism screening will be conducted by Editor in chief using Plagiarism Checker Turnitin