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The Covid-19 pandemic has brought a huge change to today's life. The rapid spread of
the process made the government make various efforts to overcome this. One of them is by limiting
activities, namely learning activities boldly (school from home). Courageous learning activities
make students learn from home. However, in practice many parents and students complain that
they are not interested in doing these learning activities. This study aims to determine the impact
of distance learning activities (school from home) on the stress of middle and high school students
in West Sumatra. The measuring instrument of this research is the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS)
by Cohen. The results showed that most junior and senior high school students experienced stress
in the moderate category. This is sufficient to indicate that the subject feels that his current life is
stressful. Regarding the feelings of subjects with COVID-19, most of the subjects felt worried
(26%), afraid (17%), and felt shocked (14%). At the beginning of the pandemic, as many as 94.7%
of students felt that the covid-19 virus was dangerous and only 5.3% felt it was harmless.
Keywords: Stress, Covid-19, teenager

Pandemi Covid-19 memberikan perubahan besar terhadap kehidupan saat ini. Cepatnya
proses penyebaran membuat pemerintah melakukan berbagai upaya untuk mengatasi hal tersebut.
Salah satunya dengan membatasi kegiatan, yaitu kegiatan belajar secara daring (school from
home). Kegiatan pembelajaran daring membuat siswa belajar dari rumah. Namun, pada prakteknya
banyak orangtua dan siswa yang mengeluhkan bahwa mereka merasa tidak termotivasi dalam
melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak
kegiatan pembelajaran jarak jauh (school from home) terhadap stress siswa SMP dan SMA di
Sumatera Barat. Alat ukur penelitian ini menggunakan skala Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) oleh
Cohen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa SMP dan SMA mengalami
stress pada kategori sedang. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa subjek merasa kehidupannya saat ini
cukup membuat stress. Terkait dengan perasaan subjek dengan covid-19, sebagian besar subjek
merasa merasa cemas (26%), takut (17%), dan merasa kaget (14%). Saat awal pandemi, sebanyak
94,7% siswa merasa bahwa virus covid-19 ini berbahaya dan hanya 5,3% yang merasa tidak
Kata Kunci: Stress, Covid-19, Remaja

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