• Sani Suhardiman Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang
  • Hilda Tri Yulianti Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang


TOEFL is a standardised test that measures your English skills, and how well you can use English in
an academic setting. Therefore, TOEFL scores are often used in the university admission process.. The
purpose of this research are to find out TOEFL test score using Genius software able to increase TOEFL
score and to find out wheter Genius software is effective in increasing the TOEFL Score. This research
used qualitative descriptive in conducting the research, a case study used to describe the effectivity and
to reach TOEFL score based on the standard Analysis of the improvement of TOEFL Value by using
data selection between the pretest and post test scores (Gain). Seeing the significance in the increase in
TOEFL scores that occur before and after learning using Genius TOEFL using N-Gain data From the
results of the comparison test the average initial and final ability of the TOEFL students, where
the average pretest score is 360.56 and the post-test score is 8422.69. the data for the pretest
and posttest scores were sig. 0.002 <0.05 by using SPSS Software , the data are not normally
distributed It can be concluded that students' final TOEFL ability is different the sig value is
obtained. 0.000 <0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that there are differences in students' initial
and final TOEFL abilities. So that learning using the TOEFL Genius is effective in increasing
students' TOEFL abilities.
Key words: TOEFL, TOEFL score, Genius Software
