Author Guidelines
- All submissions should be formatted in accordance with JMBK Template and through Open Journal System (OJS) only. The guidance is provided below:
- Author: Registration and Article Submission
- Author: Revising, Editing, and Lay outing
- Reviewer: Review process and review result submission
The Policy of Writing
The objective of JMBK publication is to increase the quality of science and enhance the interest of disseminating knowledge by the academicians, students, practitioners, and other interested parties related to it. The editors are openly to receive the research articles related to economics, management research, conceptual analysis, book analysis on both management and business related to economics.
In the process of publishing, all articles which are submitted always undergo blind reviewing. When the articles are received, they will be reviewed before they are sent to the reviewers, such as whether they are written based on the criteria such as complying with the stipulated format of writing style. When they are not complied with it, they will be sent back to the authors to revise the format. When the articles are already complied with it, they will soon be sent to the reviewers related to the field of the science or the scope. The reviewers will blindly review the articles based on the appropriateness of the topic, the relevance of the research method, the significance and contribution to the science and profession pertaining to economics, business,human resource management, financial management and marketing management as well as the proportion of the up-to-date references. The review is done by the blind reviewer team—the independent reviewers. The reviewers have rights to select and judge the articles, and finally forward the results to the authors, either they are accepted or rejected with some comments. The journal also uses the anti-plagiarism software to check the originality of the article.
When all the articles are published, the authors are recommended to state that the article is original and therefore they should also take the responsibility for anything related to the article publication which may be against the publication ethics. They also state that the articles cannot be withdrawn.
Open Access Policy
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis Kreatif (JMBK) provides direct open access to its content on the principle that research is freely available to the public to support greater global knowledge exchange.
Article Processing Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Submission: 300000.00 (IDR)
This fee is charged when the author submits a journal article for the review process (after has been declared to have passed the initial review by an editor)
Style Of Writing
- Articles should be typed on A4 paper submitted in soft copy
- The title and identity of the writer (name and email address, and/or letter address) are written on the top under the title of the article.
- Articles should not exceed 7.000 words or it is between 15-20 pages, 11 font of Book Antiqua, in one space, including the references, figures, and tables.
- Top margin 2.75 cm, left 2.5 cm, bottom and right 2 cm
- Quotation, pictures or references should show the resources and year. Name, year, and page are stated if it is from the book, in which all should be consistently the same as listed in the references.
- References are preferably taken from the up-to-date references or the past 10-year publication copy right date.
- The number of pages should be on the top right corner position
- No and title of the tables are written above the tables but the names of the figure should be typed under figures, bold typed, and the titles should be placed under the no of tables
- No and title of the pictures are written below the tables but the names of the figure should be typed under figures, bold typed, and the titles should be placed under the no of tables or pictures.
- Include the sources of tables and pictures underneath.
Guide Of Writing
The framework of writing the articles are as the following: (1) title, (2) abstract, (3) introduction, (4) theoretical framework and hypothesis (if any), (5) research method, (6) result and discussion, (7) conclusion, and (8) references. The details are as the following.
Title of the Article
It should reflect the content, and use the words, terms, abbreviations, formulas, registers as commonly used in the research writing.
- Abstract should include the research topic or problem, purpose of the research, method of the research, results, and implication.
- Abstract the article, justify, Book Antiqua 9, with single space.
- Abstract written in brief, conscience and written in one paragraph (maximum 250 words).
- Written in sound English and Indonesian.
- The abstract contains keywords of ideas or basic concept in the fields of study (3- 5 keywords).
- The introduction explains the research background, research objectives, contributions (benefits of research in terms of theory and practice), research results and implications (practical implications based on research results) and the systematics of writing further articles.
- The introduction also contains gap analysis, gap analysis, novelty statements or article contribution statements.
- The length of the introductory manuscript is a maximum of 4 pages and does not contain subtitles.
Theoretical Framework
- The Literature Review contains explanations related to the results of previous studies with the same topic as the research being studied and the formulation of research hypotheses (if any).
- The recommended literature is 80% sourced from references to SINTA-accredited journal articles or other articles that are qualified and trustworthy, the other 20% can be sourced from books or other literature in the following order: reputable international journals, accredited national journals, international symposiums, national symposiums, books, and news.
- The Literature Review explains about "Grand Theory" and does not explain the definition of each variable.
- If the research uses hypotheses, then the development of hypotheses is based on supporting theories, previous research, and logical arguments.
- The hypothesis also explains the relationship between variables, an explanation of the grand theory used, and previous research support that supports the hypothesis.
- If the research is without a hypothesis, then this literature review contains the theoretical basis and previous research, as well as the research focus written in the form of questions (this question is not mandatory). Writing subtitles using numbers.
Research Method
- This section describes the types of data, sampling techniques, definition and measurement of variables, and data analysis techniques (if quantitative).
- If the research is qualitative, it contains the research design, research location, and analysis techniques.
- This section describes the types of data, sampling techniques, definition and measurement of variables, and data analysis techniques (if quantitative).
- If the research is qualitative, it contains the research design, research location, and analysis techniques.
- This section describes the types of data, sampling techniques, definition and measurement of variables, and data analysis techniques (if quantitative).
- If the research is qualitative, it contains the research design, research location, and analysis techniques.
Result and Discussion
- The results and discussion include data interpretation, namely: data characteristics, data testing, data analysis results.
- The discussion explains the interpretation and findings.
- The results of the analysis are presented clearly and concisely according to the research objectives. Discussion of the results refers to tables and or pictures.
- The discussion must show the relationship between research data and previous research, namely comparison of results with several previous studies, both previous studies that are similar to research results or those that are not in line.
- Conclusion, answer the research objectives and explain the implications,
- limitations of the study, and suggestions for further research.
- Implication is the practical impact of the research results.
- The limitations of the study include aspects that need to be improved for further research as well as suggestions for further research.
- Conclusions are written in paragraph form and do not explain statistical figures.
Each citation in the article must be included in the bibliography in Book Antiqua format, 11 pt, single space. The writing style follows the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition. Articles must have at least 20 recent references (last 10 years) and 80% are sourced from references to Sinta accredited journal articles or international journal articles, the other 20% can come from books or other literature.
Example of writing a bibliography:
Reference from book
Kotler, Philip. (2014). Manajemen Pemasaran, Terjemahan Adi Guntara, Jilid 1, Edisi Kesepuluh. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Reference from journal
Triadinda, Dexi. (2018). Pengaruh Relational Benefit dan Perceived Value Melalui Trust Pada Loyalitas Pelanggan Klinik Kecantikan. Journal & Proceeding Univ Brawijaya Malang. 3(1), 80-101.
Reference from website
Badan Pusat Statistik. (2020). Ekonomi Indonesia 2019 Tumbuh 5,02%. Diperoleh dari
Reference from regulation
Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi. (2012). Surat Edaran Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor: 08/M.PAN-RB/06/2012 tentang Sistem Penanganan Pengaduan (Whistleblower System) Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Lingkungan Kementerian/Lembaga dan Pemerintah Daerah.
Tables and Figures
The table provisions are written in the text, namely: The table is numbered sequentially, the full title showing the contents of the table and the source. The title of the table is written above the table in the following format: Book Antiqua, 10 pt, center, bold, title case. The format of the table header is bold, title case.
Images are inserted into the script with the center position. The title of the image is written below the image in the following format: Book Antiqua, 10 pt, center, bold, title case.
Presentation of Formulas in Scripts
The writing of the formula is entered into the script with the center position. The writing of the formula is given a serial number after the formula with the format: Book Antiqua, 10 pt, center.