Pharma Xplore : Jurnal Sains dan Ilmu Farmasi 2023-11-26T09:30:16+07:00 Dr. apt. Maulana Yusuf Alkandahri, M.Farm. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Pharma Xplore</strong> adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Buana Perjuangan (UBP) Karawang yang menjadi wadah bagi peneliti untuk melakukan publikasi dan diseminasi hasil penelitian. Jurnal ini merupakan sarana publikasi karya tulis hasil riset dan pengembangannya di bidang Ilmu Farmasi. Jurnal Pharma Xplore terbit 2 (dua) kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan Mei dan November.</p> <p><a href="">ISSN Print: 2527-5801</a>&nbsp;||&nbsp;<a href="">ISSN Online: 2580-9601</a></p> UJI SPF DAN AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI SEDIAAN SUNSCREEN POWDER EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN JAMBU BIJI (Psidium guajava L.) TERHADAP Propionibacterium acnes 2023-11-26T09:28:14+07:00 Nurul Halimah Amimi Lina Rahmawati Rizkuloh Susanti <p><em>Every human being has different skin problems. Skin problems caused by sun exposure and acne-causing bacteria can be overcome by using a sunscreen powder that contains anti-acne. Natural ingredients that can overcome these problems are guava leaves (Psidium guajava L.) because they contain flavonoid compounds that can absorb ultraviolet light and have antibacterial activity. This study aims to determine the ability of guava leaves as a sunscreen by determining the value of SPF (Sun Protection Factor) using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer and as an anti-acne by calculating the inhibition of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria using the well diffusion method. The preparation formulation uses a variation in the concentration of guava leaf extract of 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5%. The results showed that guava leaf extract can be formulated into a sunscreen powder that meets the requirements. Based on the data obtained, the SPF value and inhibition zone diameter increased according to the high concentration of guava leaf extract used. All three formulas have an SPF value in the maximum protection category. Formula 3 (7.5%) has the highest SPF value of 15.00. The results of bacterial inhibition zone activity in formulas 1 (2.5%) and 2 (5%) were included in the strong category, while formula 3 (7.5%) had an inhibition of 21.33 mm, which was included in the very strong category.</em></p> 2023-11-23T20:23:15+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nurul Halimah Amimi, Lina Rahmawati Rizkuloh, Susanti UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI FACE MIST EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN ANDONG MERAH (Cordyline fruticosa (L) A. Chev.) TERHADAP Propionibacterium acnes 2023-11-26T09:28:55+07:00 Eko Sri Wahyuningsih Melisa Puspitasari Neni Sri Gunarti Maulana Yusuf Alkandahri <p><em>This research is motivated by the problem of skin infection in the form of acne, one of the causes of which is the bacterium Propionibacterium&nbsp;acnes. Red&nbsp;andong&nbsp;leaves contain several secondary metabolites that have the potential as antibacterials such as flavonoids, tannin, saponins,</em><em>and</em><em>&nbsp;polyphenolic</em><em>. </em><em>The purpose of this study was to make a face mist preparation formula from red&nbsp;andong&nbsp;leaf extract which has the potential as an antibacterial for&nbsp;Propionibacterium&nbsp;acne</em><em>s</em><em>. The extraction method used was maceration with 70% ethanol solvent. Testing the inhibition of antibacterial activity was carried out using the well-diffusion method. Determination of the concentration of the extract needed for face mist preparation is taken from the results of the MIC test. Face mist preparations were made with 3 concentrations, namely formulas F3</em><em>.</em><em>12, F6</em><em>.</em><em>25, and F9</em><em>.</em><em>37. The face mist base was used as a negative control and the face mist base added with clindamycin powder was used as a positive control. Testing the face mist of&nbsp;</em><em>r</em><em>ed&nbsp;andong&nbsp;leaves extract included organoleptic, homogeneity, specific gravity, pH, spray spreadability, dry time, and hedonic tests. The results showed that the face mist of the ethanol extract of&nbsp;</em><em>r</em><em>ed&nbsp;andong&nbsp;leaves extract met the requirements for a good face mist preparation and had an inhibitory effect on the growth of Propionibacterium&nbsp;acnes&nbsp;bacteria in all formulas. Face mist Formulation 3.12% has an inhibition of 8.19 </em>± <em>0.22</em> <em>mm, Formulation 6.25% has an inhibition of 10.5</em><em>9 ± 0.13 mm</em><em>, and Formulation 9.37% has an inhibition of 11.75 </em><em>± 0.17 </em><em>mm. From this study, it can be concluded that face mist containing 9.37% (F9.37) of red&nbsp;andong&nbsp;leaf extract was the most effective formulation against Propionibacterium&nbsp;acnes&nbsp;bacteria with the highest inhibition zone diameter of 11.75 </em><em>± 0.17 </em><em>mm.</em></p> 2023-11-23T20:32:22+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Eko Sri, Melisa Puspitasari, Neni Sri M.Si, Maulana Yusuf Alkandahri UJI AKTIVITAS ANTELMINTIK INFUSA DAN EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN PEPAYA JEPANG (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) TERHADAP CACING GELANG BABI (Ascaris suum) SECARA IN VITRO 2023-11-26T09:28:52+07:00 Asman Sadino Dina Rosdiana Anas Subarnas Riza Apriani <p><em>Ascaris suum</em> is a parasitic worm in pigs that is closely related to the worm in humans, <em>A. lumbricoides</em>. A literature search shows that <em>A. suum</em> can infect humans. <em>Ascaris </em>is thought to modulate host immune and inflammatory responses, which may lead to immune hyporesponsiveness during chronic infections. Treatment with anthelmintic drugs is considered to increase the risk of resistance. Thus, alternative medicines from natural ingredients are needed that are more effective and have minimal side effects, including Japanese papaya leaves (<em>Cnidoscolus aconitifolius</em>). This research aimed to analyze the anthelmintic activity of ethanol extract and Japanese papaya leaf infusion against <em>A. suum</em> worms and eggs in vitro. Testing was divided into 6 large groups, namely test group (extract and infusion concentrations of 3%, 6%, and 9%), comparison group (pyrantel pamoate 1% and piperazine citrate 2% for testing adult worms and mebendazole 0.25% for testing worm eggs), and control group (NaCl 0.9% and PGA 1%). The parameters looked at are the form of paralysis, death of adult worms, and the percent inhibition of worm eggs. The results of the research were the anthelmintic activity shown by Japanese papaya leaf extract (<em>C.aconitifolius</em>) against pig roundworms and their eggs at a concentration of 9% compared to test concentrations of 3% and 6%, pyrantel pamoate, piperazine citrate, and mebendazole. This research concludes that Japanese papaya (<em>C.aconitifolius</em>) leaf extract has anthelmintic activity against pork roundworms and their eggs.</p> 2023-11-23T20:41:24+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Asman Sadino, Dina Rosdiana, Anas Subarnas, Riza Apriani EVALUASI EFEK ANTIPIRETIK AKAR PAKIS TANGKUR (Polypodium feei METT) PADA MENCIT YANG TERINDUKSI VAKSIN DTP-HB 2023-11-26T09:28:49+07:00 Hesti Renggana Isye Martiani Risa Susanti Dani Sujana Zakiah Nur Aeni <p>Fever is a state where the body's core temperature rises above normal levels. In healthy adults, the average oral temperature is around 37°C. Fever is not harmful but in certain circumstances this response is undesirable because it interferes with normal activities. The research method used is True Experimental with Posttest Only Control Group Design approach as the research design. The purpose of this study was to assess the antipyretic effect of tangkur fern root on mice induced by DTP-HB vaccine. The results showed that the extract and water fraction of tangkur fern root had antipyretic effects by reducing the fever temperature of mice during the observation time for 240 minutes. Overall, this study proves that the ethanol extract at a dose of 100 mg/kgBB is an effective dose as a candidate for antipyretic drugs.</p> 2023-11-23T21:04:20+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Hesti Renggana, Isye Martiani, Risa Susanti, Dani Sujana, Zakiah Nur Aeni EFEK ANALGESIK KOMBINATIF INFUSA JAHE MERAH, TEMUKUNCI, KENCUR, SERAI, DAN ASAM JAWA PADA MENCIT BETINA DENGAN METODE WRITHING TEST 2023-11-26T09:28:45+07:00 Dani Sujana Nurul Dadang Muhammad Hasyim Yogi Rahman Nugraha Diah Wardani Mina Pertiwi Hesti Renggana <p><em>Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience caused by actual or potential tissue damage. Based on systematic review studies it has been proven that red ginger, temukunci, kencur, lemongrass and tamarind have been shown to have analgesic effects both in vitro and in vivo. The purpose of this study was to determine the analgesic effect of IJTKSA. The method used in this study is a laboratory experiment with an analytical descriptive approach. The results showed that IJTKSA both concentrations of 0.02%, 0.04% and 0.08% were able to reduce the number of writhing mice. Overall, IJTKSA concentration of 0.02% has the most effective analgesic effect as evidenced by the low average total number of writhing mice during 60 minutes of observation.</em></p> 2023-11-24T05:37:49+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dani Sujana, Nurul, Dadang Muhammad Hasyim, Yogi Rahman Nugraha, Diah Wardani, Mina Pertiwi, Hesti Renggana FORMULASI DAN EVALUASI KRIM EKSTRAK DAUN PANDAN WANGI (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.) DENGAN VARIASI KONSENTRASI ASAM STEARAT DAN TRIETANOLAMIN 2023-11-26T09:30:16+07:00 Laela Nurfitri Nur Cholis Endriyatno <p><em>The fragrant pandan leaf (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.) contains flavonoid compounds that can function as a sunscreen. Sunscreen preparations are generally in the form of creams. In cream formulations, emulsifiers play a crucial role in imparting physical properties to the cream. The objective of this research is to determine the influence of the combination of stearic acid and triethanolamine on the physical properties and stability of the cream and to identify the optimal emulsifier concentration. Cream formulations were prepared in three formulations with a combination of stearic acid and triethanolamine (TEA), namely F I (17%: 3.5%), F II (18%: 3%), and F III (19%: 2.5%). The cream formulations underwent physical evaluations such as organoleptic testing, homogeneity testing, viscosity testing, adhesion testing, pH testing, skin irritation testing, spreading power testing, and stability testing. The data obtained were analyzed using One Way ANOVA (analysis of variance) with a confidence level of 95%. The research data results showed that the addition of stearic acid and trietanolamin affected the viscosity, pH value, spreading power, and adhesion of the cream but did not affect the organoleptic properties, stability, homogeneity, and skin irritation. Based on the physical properties and statistical tests, the concentration of stearic acid and trietanolamin emulsifier (17%: 3.5%) was found to be the best.</em></p> 2023-11-24T21:29:11+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Laela Nurfitri, Nur Cholis Endriyatno KORELASI TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN PASIEN DIABETES TIPE- 2 DENGAN KEPATUHAN MINUM OBAT DIABETES DI KARAWANG KULON 2023-11-26T09:28:40+07:00 Lina Aliyani Mardiana Sri Mulyanthy Tanuwidjaja Ermi Abriyani <p>Type -2 Diabetes is a disease that is difficult to cure but can be controlled with lifelong medication and a healthy lifestyle. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the relationship between knowledge of type-2 diabetes patients and patient adherence to taking diabetes medication in Karawang Kulon, West Java. The research method is descriptive correlation where the samples in this study were all type 2 diabetes patients in January 2023-February 2023 with a total of 311. The results showed that the level of knowledge of type -2 diabetes patients was good at 92.60%, and quite good at 7.4%. while the level of compliance is 13.83% compliance, 54.98% sufficient compliance and 31.19% disobedience. The results of the study based on the chi square test obtained a value of 0.00 &lt;0.05, which means that there is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge of type 2 diabetes patients and adherence to taking diabetes medication in Karawang Kulon.</p> 2023-11-24T21:30:09+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Lina Aliyani Mardiana, Sri Mulyanthy Tanuwidjaja, Ermi Abriyani