Analisis Pemahaman Konsep Pembelajaran IPA Siswa Kelas III MI Tarbiyatul Islam 01

  • Hawa Nurfadilah Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang
  • Tarpan Suparman Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang
  • Harmawati Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang
Keywords: Concept Understanding, Science Learning


This study aims to determine the understanding of science learning concepts for third grade students at MI Tarbiyatul Islam 01, Kedungwaringin District. The form of the research approach is to use qualitative descriptive analysis. In this study, the primary data source in question is the result of test questions distributed to students. While the secondary data source referred to in this study school documentation about understanding science learning concepts. The research in this study were participatory observation, interview, and documentation studies. Based on the results of research conducted by researchers at MI Tarbiyatul Islam 01, it can be concluded that understanding the concept of science learning for grad III students at MI Tarbiyatul Islam 01 is deemed to lack understanding of ineffetiveness during the COVID-19 pandemic, because teachers only send assignments on WhatApp without any explanation. Whitout having to meet face to face, so many students become less enthusiastic or bored in carrying out the learning process.
